This year eight textile artists were given the challenge to create artworks using objects and methods not generally associated with quilting. In this exhibition each of these ‘quilters’ offer a unique perspective whilst moving away from conventional quilting.
Quilter Donna Rowan partnered with photographer Lynne Haseldean using photographs of doors and windows printed onto organza and layered using raw edge appliqué and traditional piecing techniques.
Sister and brother duo, Bronwyn Furlan and ceramicist Jamie Quirk combined textiles with clay, while Irene Smith filled room dividers with fabric work. Kathy Grimson enlisted the help of Makauri School pupils to fashion a mixed media design themed for the 2019 Te Hā Sestercentennial commemorations.
Poll Wlliams reworked the back of her late mother’s chair with a combination of cane and quilted fabric while wire, stones, wood and twine, embellish the work of Deb Williams.
Niuean artist Lina Marsh has reutilized lampshades and Morva Thomson has altered the base of her pieces, by producing a fusion of onion/garlic skins and printed/dyed paper to make her ‘fabrics’.
– Irene Smith