E tau nei ki runga i a tātou katoa te wairua o ngā mātua tūpuna. Nā rātou i whakatakoto te ara hei hīkoinga mā tātou ngā uri.
I whakatōkia ō tātou ngākau ki ngā tikanga hei aratakina i a tātou.
Kia ngākaunui ki te hāpai i ā tātou mahi katoa, i roto i te pono, i te tika, i te māramatanga.
Me te aroha anō o tētehi ki tētehi.
E Rongo whakairia ake ki runga ki a tīna.
Hui e, Tāiki e
We are all on a hīkoi, whether it is a physical, emotional or a spiritual one. With each hīkoi we learn more about ourselves and our place in the world.
Come into a space where wahine rise from the earth and taniwha are set free to roam the walls amongst their mokopuna. Embrace the intricate weaving of past, present and future as the stories of the land and its people are reflected and sung through the artwork of Toni Rangi, Yvonne Tana and Jeannette McDonnell-Rata, begin a new hīkoi today.