Kōaka o Whakaaro is an exhibition of new works by the students and staff from Toihoukura School of Māori Visual Art and Design, showcasing the latest in emerging talent. This exhibition is an acknowledgement of individual contributions to a collective whakaaro or wānanga. A collective that offers a safe space for artists, a place of healing and life after another tough year. It is with hope that these works and this exhibition will underline the optimism and direction of this new world we now live in.
These new works present visual narratives that have been created in unprecedented times and show a resilience in the face of adversity. 2021 has been another uncertain and unstable year but it has also been an exciting time for creatives who are again forced to hover outside of their comfort zones producing some of Toihoukura’s most powerful work to date.
The students exhibiting this year are from Certificate Year 1, Degree Years 1-3, Honours and Masters programs. The current tutors are Steve Gibbs, Tā Derek Lardelli, Erena Koopu, Makarini Solomon, Ayson Lewis, Ngaire Tuhua and Denise Te Hau.