Photographers, Potters & Artists


Dates: 17/08/24 - 06/10/24
Opening: 16/08/24 5:30 pm

Each year this annual exhibition allows the local arts community and affiliated groups the opportunity to participate and display their most recent creations. This show is the pulse of local creatives, who gather in their collectives to support and devise ways of fostering their particular mode of art practice.

This major show plays host to over 50 artists year after year and often the exhibits produced number well over the one hundred mark. Three of the core groups, the artists’ society, potters’ group and the camera club repeatedly boost sub factions within, and these smaller groups focus on a myriad of disciplines through workshopping and upskilling.

To the rear of the museum, the Lysnar House studios has for many years been the focal point for all group activities, workshops, ‘studio’ exhibitions and a general cultivation and sharing of skills and knowledge.

Keeping abreast of the trends and for regular updates to find out what the groups are up too, check out their home pages on Facebook. For specialised workshops held throughout the year all members are welcome to enroll, regular notifications of upcoming events are sent out so make sure you are on their mailing list.