

Dates: 03/09/22 - 30/10/22
Opening: 02/09/22 5:30 pm

(noun) desire, hope, wish.
a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen.

Hope is optimism. When I’m hopeful for anything, I’m thinking that the sorrow and difficulty of today will soon end. As individuals and communities, many trials of hope lost occur every day. But, it is through loss, defeat and failure, that inner strength and toughness is produced.

Creating and connecting with communities has the power to fish us from the depths of sadness, love is always the answer. But, hope is the key.
– Maia Keane

Tūmanako is a display of artworks drawn from the Tairāwhiti Museum Fine Art collection and is curated by curatorial intern and recent Toihoukura graduate, Maia Keane.

This exhibition provides an opportunity to reflect on times of trials and tribulations, and the restoration of hope within individuals and communities, as reflected by artists and artworks from here in te Tairāwhiti.

Category: Fine Art