• Gisborne Museum of Art and History Trust

Tairāwhiti Museum is the trading name of the Gisborne Museum of Art and History Charitable Trust.

The Museum was established in 1954 and changed its legal structure from an incorporated society to a charitable trust in 1999.

11 trustees are appointed to the Museum Trust Board from the following bodies for a three-year term. Current trustees are:

  • Friends of Tairāwhiti Museum Incorporated (four appointees): Michael Muir OBE (Chair), Jennie Harre Hindmarsh, Kristine Walsh and Fleur Gardiner
  • Gisborne District Council (two appointees): vacant, Allan de Lautour (Treasurer)
  • Te Aitanga-ā-Mahaki: Pene Brown
  • Ngāi Tāmanuhiri: Steve Gibbs
  • Rongowhakaata: Romia Whaanga (Deputy Chair)
  • Te Aitanga-ā-Hauiti: Cynthia Sidney
  • Ngāti Porou: Paora Tibble

Core Principles

  1. Act in accordance with the principles the Treaty of Waitangi
  2. Financial sustainability
  3. Value internal and external relationships through the principles of kaitiakitanga – guardianship, manaakitanga – respect and whanaungatanga – relationships
  4. Professional museum and art gallery practice standards

Objectives of the Trust

A. The provision and operation of a cultural centre where the history, art, culture, environment and heritage of Aotearoa New Zealand, with special reference to the Gisborne District, may be conserved, interpreted, studied, cherished and made available for the benefit of the people of New Zealand.

B. The collection, purchase and other acquisition of objects that fit within the criteria from time to time specified in the Museum’s policy documents.

C. To stimulate the community’s appreciation, understanding, and enjoyment of and involvement in, cultural heritage, local history, art, science and technology by providing exhibitions, public programmes, learning and research opportunities and the efficient interpretation of its collections and resources.

D. To celebrate the rich cultural heritage of the Tairawhiti region

E. To use the resources of the museum to educate and enrich the lives of the people of New Zealand and promote the well-being of society

F. To advance and promote cultural and scientific scholarship and research

G. To achieve user satisfaction by consultation, responsiveness and continuous improvement

H. To exercise leadership through professionalism, innovation, and co-ordination with relevant organisations

I. To provide maximum community benefit from the resources available

J. To support other individuals, groups and organisations with similar objectives

Gisborne Museum of Art and History Trust Deed 1999

Plans and Reports

Annual Plans

Gisborne Museum of Art and History Trust Annual Plan 2023 / 24

Gisborne Museum of Art and History Trust Annual Plan 2022 / 23

Gisborne Museum of Art and History Trust Annual Plan 2021 / 22

Gisborne Museum of Art and History Trust Annual Report 2020 / 21

Gisborne Museum of Art and History Trust Annual Plan 20/21

Gisborne Museum of Art and History Trust Annual Plan 22/23

Annual Reports

Gisborne Museum of Art and History Trust Annual Report 22/23

Gisborne Museum of Art and History Trust – Annual Report 21/22

Gisborne Museum of Art and History Trust Annual Report 20/21

Gisborne Museum of Art and History Trust Annual Report 19/20 Part One, Part 2

Gisborne Museum of Art and History Trust Annual Report 17/18

Gisborne Museum of Art and History Trust Annual Report 16/17

Business Plans

Business Plan 2018 – 2022

We welcome ideas for new projects and exhibitions so if you have something in mind, please get in touch – we would love to hear from you!

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